Field Research Travel Awards 2013
Grants for graduate student travel for research related to the mission of CGRER (see www.cgrer.uiowa.edu) are available for CGRER member's graduate students. Funding for dissertation research travel (field work) is available. Submit a cover page* and a 1- page proposal (11 pt. font) describing the research objective, methodology and how the travel is integral to the research. Also submit a separate 1-page budget of travel costs and justification. Evidence of partial matching funding (e.g., departmental, college, graduate student senate) is required. Application deadline is Tuesday, May 28th, 2013; decisions will be announced by June 7th, 2013. Submit PDF or Word formatted proposals to jane-frank@uiowa.edu. Be sure to include your e-mail address, mailing address, and contact telephone number with your application materials. Please contact Jane Frank with any questions.
*On the cover page include-
Title of Proposal
Traveler's Name
Campus Mailing Address
Home Mailing Address
Campus Phone
e-mail address
Total amount of travel funds required and amount requested from CGRER
Source and amount of matching funding