CGRER Graduate Student Travel Awards - Conferences
Graduate Student Travel Funds for Presenting and Attending Meetings and Conferences
CGRER is pleased to announce CGRER-Graduate Student Travel Awards-Conferences. These funds are available to support graduate students travel to present and attend meetings and conferences in their field of study. All CGRER member's graduate students working in the areas of global change and environmental sciences are qualified to apply.
The following criteria will be used in deciding awardees:
- The student must be in good standing with the Graduate College and their program of study. This will require a signature from the graduate student’s primary advisor. The application will not be considered without this signature.
- student must be presenting at the meeting (oral or poster presentation).
- Although all CGRER member’s students are eligible to apply, if there are more applications than funds, preference will be given to students who have not attended a meeting before and who are near completion of their degree. A maximum of two students per research group will receive travel funds.
- If there are more applications than funds, preference will be given to students who have not received prior travel support from CGRER.
Please submit applications to: Jane Frank, CGRER, 424 Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratory. If you have any questions please contact Professor Vicki Grassian by e-mail vicki-grassian@uiowa.edu or phone 335-1392.
Applications will be evaluated twice a year January 15 and July 15. Students will be notified of the outcome of their application within 10 days of the deadline.
↓download the application