
Diana Horton, Ph.D. (
      Director, University of Iowa Herbarium
     Curator, Vascular Plants and Bryophytes
     Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
     (bryophyte systematics, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, peatland ecology)

Paula Bergstrom, M.S. (
    Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants and Bryophytes

Richard G. Baker, Ph.D. (
    Professor Emeritus, Geoscience and Adjunct, Biological Sciences
    (paleoenvironmental reconstruction)

Robert W. Cruden, Ph.D. (
     Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences
     (pollination biology, biosystematics of Mexican and Central American Iridaceae
      and Liliaceae)

Robert W. Embree, Ph.D.
     Associate Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences
     (ecology, taxonomy and development of zygomycetes)

Stephen D. Hendrix, Ph.D. (
     Professor, Biological Sciences
     (plant reproductive biology and plant-animal interactions in fragmented landscapes)

Thomas E. Melchert, Ph.D.
     Associate Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences
     (chemotaxonomy and cytotaxonomy of Asteraceae and Coreopsidineae of Mexico
     and Central America)

Jeffry T. Schabilion, Ph.D. (
     Curator of Paleobotanical Collections
     Professor, Biological Sciences
     (morphology and systematics of Paleozoic pteridophytes, sphenophylls, lycopods,
      cordaites and Mesozoic cycadeoids)

Last Updated: 04/05/2002

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