Swamp White Oak Savanna Preserve, Muscatine Co. Explanatory Notes

1) This list is compiled from data/specimens provided by Steve Apfelbaum, Mary Brown, Tom Cady, Don Farrar, Judy Felder, Diana Horton, Jonathan Knott, Deb Lewis, Bill Norris, and Sandy Rhodes. Citations of "sp." with a genus name (eg., Aster sp.) have been deleted if a species in that genus is included. Rubus flagellaris was deleted because it is presumed that this record represented either R. meracus or R. roribaccus. The occurrence of both Vernonia fasciculata and V. gigantea needs confirmation.

2) Latin names of vascular plants generally follow Eilers & Roosa (1994), The Vascular Plants of Iowa, and/or Gleason and Cronquist (1991), Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (2nd edition).

Last Updated: 04/08/2002

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