1) The list of vascular
plants has been compiled by Diana Horton, University of Iowa Herbarium, Iowa
City, IA, and incorporates data from lists prepared by David Glenn-Lewin (1980),
who recorded 106 species, and by Bill Pusateri, who recorded 87 species in a
list prepared October 11, 1981. With respect to Pusateri's records, species
more likely recorded from the old field adjacent to the northwest side of the
Preserve are indicated by an asterisk. The list also includes data from more
recent inventories (1990s) by Diana Horton, Diana Horton and Thomas F. Cady,
Iowa City, IA, and others. The list of mosses is based on inventories by Diana
Horton and students. Species documented by voucher specimens in the University
of Iowa Herbarium are indicated by the Herbarium abbreviation, IA, after the
date of collection or collection number.
Literature Cited
Glenn-Lewin, D. 1980. Hanging Bog. Report No. 8, Inventory and Management Plans
for TNC Preserves in Iowa.
2) Latin names of vascular plants generally follow Eilers & Roosa (1994), The Vascular Plants of Iowa, and/or Gleason and Cronquist (1991), Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (2nd edition).
3) Latin names of
mosses generally follow Anderson, Crum & Buck (1990), List of the mosses of
North America north of Mexico (Bryologist 93: 448-499). Latin names of hepatics
(liverworts) generally follow Stotler & Crandall-Stotler (1977), A checklist
of the liverworts and hornworts of North America (Bryologist 80: 405-428).
4) Total species recorded and percentage of
alien species are at the end of the list.
Last Updated:04/08/2002