1) The list of vascular plants has been compiled by Diana Horton, University of Iowa Herbarium, Iowa City, IA, and Thomas F. Cady, Iowa City, IA. The list of mosses, which is not comprehensive, has been compiled by Diana Horton. Funding for the inventories was provided by the Poweshiek County Conservation Board and is gratefully acknowledged.
2) Latin names of vascular plants generally follow Eilers & Roosa (1994), The Vascular Plants of Iowa, and/or Gleason and Cronquist (1991), Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (2nd edition).
3) Latin
names of mosses generally follow Anderson, Crum & Buck (1990), List of the mosses
of North America north of Mexico (Bryologist 93: 448-499).
4) Total species recorded and percentage of
alien species are at the end of the list.
Last Updated: 04/08/2002