This list provides a forum for those interested in Iowa's insects and, more generally, invertebrates, their identification and ecology. Its purpose is to encourage novices who are trying to expand their knowledge about the incredible world of insects. The Iowa Insects Mailing List is an outgrowth of the Iowa Native Plants Mailing List as that list frequently receives posts pertaining to insects. As with the Iowa Native Plants List, and in recognition of the tight ecological relationships between plants and insects, another objective of the Insects List is to promote the Iowa Native Plant Society.
Subscribers should note that the list is open (anyone can subscribe), but only list members can post. Posts are not pre-approved; however, they should meet reasonable standards of courtesy and subscribers who violate this standard will be blocked from the list. Replies go to the sender, so you must add the list address if you wish your response to be posted to the list. Only list members can view the archives. If you need assistance, please contact the List Manager.
This List is owned and managed by MJ Hatfield, and sponsored by the University of Iowa Department of Biology.
MJ Hatfield, List Manager,
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