Hornwort species (Anthoceros laevis L.)
Plate of original, pencil line-drawings by Mary F. Linder. Her legend is given below.

"Explanation of Plate I.

1. Anthoceros laevis, natural size.
  c. The elaters as seen through the 3/4 obj. and d. as seen through the 1/5 obj.
  e. The spores as seen through the 3/4 obj. and f. as seen through the 1/5 obj.
2. An enlarged portion of the frond, showing the appearance of the cells and antheridia, and cell contents.
3. A transverse section of the plant showing its structure, and
  a- A nucleated mass of protoplasm.
  b.-- The antheridia
  g- A stoma filled with nostoc."

Courtesy of University of Iowa Libraries, Special Collections